Handling of client complaints
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG, Metzler Asset Management GmbH and Metzler Pension Management GmbH have set up a complaints management system to ensure that client complaints are processed without delay and answered in accordance with statutory specifications.
For further information, please click the following links:
A client can file a complaint
- by e-mail to: Compliance@metzler.com or
- in writing to the postal address:
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG
Metzler Asset Management GmbH
Metzler Pension Management GmbH
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Following a review of the complaint, the client is notified promptly of any outcomes in writing. We process each complaint individually and deal with all circumstances described, including all the necessary research and testing. If your complaint requires more time, we will confirm receipt and inform you of the expected processing time. As a rule, we are able to respond to complaints within 10 working days. To ensure that all risks and problems are ascertained and resolved, the compliance function monitors the complaints management system.
A client can file a complaint
- by e-mail to: Compliance@metzler.com or
- in writing to the postal address:
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG
Metzler Asset Management GmbH
Metzler Pension Management GmbH
Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Following a review of the complaint, the client is notified promptly of any outcomes in writing. We process each complaint individually and deal with all circumstances described, including all the necessary research and testing. If your complaint requires more time, we will confirm receipt and inform you of the expected processing time. As a rule, we are able to respond to complaints within 10 working days. To ensure that all risks and problems are ascertained and resolved, the compliance function monitors the complaints management system.
Should B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG, Metzler Asset Management GmbH or Metzler Pension Management GmbH fail to remedy the client’s complaint, the client can pursue a so-called “ombudsman procedure”. For more details on this, please see below under "Further Dispute Resolution Procedures".
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG, Metzler Asset Management GmbH and Metzler Pension Management GmbH are required by law to point out that a client always has the option to file a civil lawsuit.
Further Dispute Resolution Procedures
- B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG follows the dispute resolution procedures laid down by the consumer arbitration board "Ombudsman of German private banks" (www. bankenombudsmann.de). These procedures allow the client to call upon the ombudsman of the private banks to settle disputes with the bank. Metzler Asset Management GmbH, which is active in the Group’s asset management segment, follows the dispute resolution procedures of the consumer arbitration board "Ombudsman of the private BVI association" (www.ombudsstelle-investmentfonds.de). Further details are governed by the "Rules for Client Dispute Settlement in the German Banking Industry" and the "Rules for the Ombudsman of the BVI Investment Fund", which are available upon request or can be accessed on the internet under the aforementioned links. A complaint must be submitted in writing (by letter, fax or e-mail) to the Customer Complaints Office at the Bundesverband deutscher Banken e. V., P.O. Box 04 03 07, 10062 Berlin, Germany, Fax: (+49 30) 16 63 - 31 69, e-mail: ombudsmann@bdb.de or to the office of the BVI ombudsman, Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V., Unter den Linden 42, 10117 Berlin, Germany, Fax: (+49 30) 6449046-29, e-mail: info@ombudsstelle-investmentfonds.de.
- The European Commission has established a European online dispute resolution platform (OS Platform) at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN. Clients can use this OS platform for out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online contracts with EU-based companies.