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Transactions Metzler Corporate Finance

A selection of domestic and international transactions that we have successfully executed.

How can we help you? Talk to us.

  • UK

The shareholders of

Logo Miebach Frankfurt/Main, Germany

sold the majority of the shares to

Logo Investcorp London, United Kingdom.

We advised the sellers.

  • FR

The shareholders of

UX-Gruppe Gilching, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares to

Steliau Technology Rungis, France a portfolio company of

AstorgParis, France.

We advised the sellers.

  • DE

COHEMI Group GmbH – COnsulting with HEart & MInd Frankfurt/Main, Germany a portfolio company of

Silver Investment PartnersKönigstein, Germany acquired 100 percent of the shares in

NOVEDAS Consulting GmbH Berlin, Germany.

We advised the buyer.

  • UK

The shareholders of

Kerkhoff Group GmbH Kerkhoff Group GmbH and Kerkhoff Software GmbH

Düsseldorf, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares to

Interpath Ltd. London, United Kingdom a portfolio company of

H.I.G. European Capital PartnersLondon, United Kingdom.

We advised the sellers.

  • AT

The shareholders of

Logo ImWind Pottenbrunn, Austria sold two onshore wind parks and an agri-PV park with a total capacity of 130 MW to a strategic investor.

We advised the sellers.

  • DE

The shareholders of

PARAT Tech­no­lo­gy GmbH + Co. KG Neureichenau, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares to

senata GmbH Freising, Germany.

We advised the sellers.

  • DE

Nürnberger Nürnberger Lebensversicherung AGNuremberg, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares in

Nürnberger Pensionsfonds AGNuremberg, Germany to

Metzler Pension Management Frankfurt/Main, Germany

We advised the buyer.

– Pending –

  • DE

The shareholders of

ConMoto ConMoto Strategie & Realisierung GmbHMunich, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares to

Horn & Company Horn & Company Group GmbHDüsseldorf, Germany a portfolio company of

Waterland Waterland Private Equity GmbHMunich, Germany. We advised the sellers.

  • DE

The shareholders of

Planet AI Planet AI GmbHRostock, Germany sold 51 percent of their shares to

Bechtle Bechtle AGNeckarsulm, Germany. We advised the sellers.

  • DE

The shareholder of

intelligix Intelligix IT-Services GmbHFöhren, Germany

sold 100 percent of the shares to a private equity investor.

We advised the seller.

  • UK

Funds advised by

Findosinvestor Findos Investor GmbHMunich, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares in

Rhenoflex Rhenoflex GmbHLudwigshafen, Germany to

Coats Group plcUxbridge, United Kingdom

We advised the seller.

  • DE

The shareholders of the Norderland GroupWesterholt, Germany sold an onshore wind farm portfolio with a capacity of 365 MW


Enercity enercity AGHanover, Germany We advised the sellers.

  • IT

Daikin Daikin Industries Ltd.Osaka, Japan acquired 100 percent of the shares in

Duplomatic Duplomatic MS S.p.A.Parabiago, Italy from

Alcedo SGR S.p.A.Treviso, Italy We advised the buyer.

  • DE

CIP Copenhagen Infrastructure Energy Transition Fund I K/SCopenhagen, Denmark acquired a minority stake in

sunfire Sunfire GmbHDresden, Germany through a private placement.

We advised the buyer.

  • DE

The shareholders of

ISB ISB AGKarlsruhe, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares to

Conet CONET Technologies Holding GmbHHennef, Germany a portfolio company of

IK Partners Hamburg, Germany. We advised the seller.

  • DE

Cloudfight Cloudflight GmbHMunich, Germany a portfolio company of

Deutsche Beteiligungs AGFrankfurt/Main, Germany has acquired a 100 percent stake in

macio macio GmbHKiel, Germany. We advised the buyer.

  • DE

The shareholders of

wedi wedi GmbHEmsdetten, Germany sold the majority of the shares to

ARDEX ARDEX GmbHWitten, Germany. We advised the majority shareholder.

  • SWE

BearingPoint BearingPoint GmbHAmsterdam, Netherlands sold its digital platform business BearingPoint Beyond to its management in the course of a management buy-out.

We advised the seller on the carve-out and on the preparation of the transaction.

  • DE

Metzler Frankfurt/Main, Germany sold its wholly owned subsidiary

Metzler Ireland LimitedDublin, Ireland to

Universal Investment Frankfurt/Main, Germany – a portfolio company of

Montagu London, Great Britain. We advised the seller.

  • DE

Klöpfer & König Garching, Germany sold its participation of 15.7 percent in listed

SURTECO GROUP SE Buttenwiesen, Germany to

Schürfeld Gruppe Hamburg, Germany. We advised the seller.

  • SWE

BearingPoint BearingPoint GmbHAmsterdam, Netherlands sold a majority stake in their Regulatory Technology & Software Unit to

Nordic CapitalStockholm, Sweden

We advised the seller on the carve-out and on the preperation of the transaction.

  • DE

First State Investments London, Great Britain acquired 45.8 percent of the shares in

MVV Energie AG MVV Energie AGMannheim, Germany. We advised the buyer.

  • DE

Mr. and Mrs. Münch sold/pooled their shares in

Rhön-Klinikum Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale, Germany to/with

Asklepios-Kliniken Asklepios KlinikenHamburg, Germany. We advised Mr. and Mrs. Münch in the preparation of the transaction.

  • DE

Fritz OHGStuttgart, Germany develops the office campus "Urbanic" for its single tenant

Siemens Berlin/Munich, Germany for its own portfolio and finances the project with a consortium led by

Kreissparkasse Esslingen-Nürtingen Esslingen. We advised Fritz OHG on the project financing.

  • DE

The shareholders of

JM Holding GmbH Worms, Germany

Renolit Renolit SEWorms, Germany and

RKW Group RKW SEFrankenthal, Germany. We reorganised the ownership structure of the three companies..

  • JP

Maruho Co. Ltd. Maruho Co., Ltd.Osaka, Japan acquired 7.8 percent of the shares in

Biofrontera Leverkusen, Germany in a voluntary public tender offer and holds 28.1 percent of the shares after the consummation of the transaction.

We acted as the sole tender agent.

  • DE

The shareholders of

Handelshof Gruppe Handelshof GroupCologne, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares in

Foodservice Edeka Offenburg, Germany.

We advised the sellers.

  • IN

Linde + Wiemann Dillenburg, Germany and its shareholders sold a stake of 50 percent through a capital increase to

Neel Metal Delhi, India part of

JBM Delhi, India. We advised the company and the shareholders.

  • CA

The Freudenberg Group sold 100 percent of the shares in

Freudenberg FIT Freudenberg ITWeinheim, Germany to

Syntax Montreal, Canada a portfolio company of

Novacap We advised the seller.

  • DE

Nippon Nippon Life Insurance CompanyTokyo, Japan acquired a strategic stake as cornerstone investor and cooperation partner parallel to the IPO of

DWS DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaAFrankfurt/Main, Germany.

We advised the buyer.

  • DE

The owner of

Breeze four Breeze Four Energy GmbH & Co. KGOldenburg, Germany sold an onshore windfarm portfolio totalling 188 MW and six substations to

Enercity enercity Erneuerbare GmbHHannover, Germany.

We advised the seller.

  • NL

The founder and owner of

Coeo coeo Inkasso GmbHDormagen, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares in combination with a re-investment to

Waterland Waterland Private EquityBussum, Netherlands.

We advised the seller.

  • DE

The founder and owner of

Ventotec Ventotec GroupLeer, Germany sold the Group’s project pipeline, spinning assets and operational management services to

Enercity enercity Erneuerbare GmbHHannover, Germany.

We advised the seller.

  • CN

The family owner of the VEM Group

VEM Dresden, Wernigerode and Zwickau, Germany sold 100 percent of the shares to

SEC Wuxi, China.

We advised the seller.

  • US

KKR New York, USA submitted through Acceleratio Capital N. V. a voluntary public tender offer for the shares in

GfK Nuremberg, Germany and together with GfK e. V. holds more than 75 percent of the shares following the completion of the takeover offer.

We advised the Supervisory Board of GfK SE.

  • DE

DEDIQ Munich, Germany acquired a significant majority stake in

ConVista Cologne, Germany.

We advised the seller.

  • US

WIKA Klingenberg, Germany acquired the business activities of

Hirschmann Mobile Control Solutions Ettlingen, Germany, and Chambersburg, USA including 50 percent of the shares in the Chinese joint venture Xuzhou Hirschmann Electronics Co. Ltd. from

Belden St. Louis, USA.

We advised the buyer.

  • GB

Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung

Advice to the Hessian Ministry of Economics in its role as supervisory authority in connection with the potential merger of

Deutsche Börse AGFrankfurt/Main, Germany


London Stock Exchange plcLondon, United Kingdom.

  • SE

The Freudenberg Group sold 100 percent of the shares in

Schwab Freudenberg Schwab GmbHVelten, Germany to

Trelleborg Trelleborg ABTrelleborg, Sweden.

We advised the seller.

  • DE

NTT Docomo NTT DoCoMo, Inc.Tokyo, Japan directly and indirectly acquired 95.8 percent of the shares in

net mobile net mobile AGDüsseldorf, Germany in a public tender offer.

We acted as the sole tender agent.

  • DE

TOPCON Tokyo, Japan acquired 50.1 percent of the shares in

ifa-System Frechen, Germany in a public tender offer.

We advised the buyer and acted as the sole tender agent.

  • US

Metzler Frankfurt/Main, Germany sold its high-rise property

Grosse Gallusstrasse 16–18Frankfurt/Main, Germany to


We advised the seller.

  • CN

SCHOTT Mainz, Germany sold its participation of 71.6 percent in

Schott Moritex Corp.Saitama, Japan by way of a public tender offer in Japan to

CITIC Capital Partners CITIC Capital PartnersHong Kong, China.

We advised the seller.