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Service and products


Online Portal “Metzler Research“ – Spot on expertise

We provide our research products in digital and integrated form. With our new online portal “Metzler Research”, you have quick access to comprehensive information including the recommendations made by Metzler experts on equities, bonds and currencies. In addition, the models selected by analysts, their model assumptions and data sources are completely transparent and accessible for you at all times. Customize the portal to your individual information needs and enjoy online access to all publications any time – even on your mobile device.

ESG Analysis

Integrating ESG criteria into the analysis process

Due to the growing importance of ESG criteria for investment decisions, we have integrated them into our analysis process. We measure the deviations of environmental (E), social (S) and corporate governance (G) criteria from the industry average. The net-zero transformation risk indicator (NTRI) takes the level of current greenhouse gas emissions and the compatibility of a company's current product range with climate targets into account. We also consider the measures a company has already taken as well as the company's ability to address climate risks.


Equity Research

This product presents our view on the development of the global capital markets and in particular the German capital market. Particular attention is paid to the momentum changes in the consensus estimates for the main analytical criteria for the global markets. The analysis influences the sector weightings as well as our top-ten recommendation list.

We regularly compile and publish detailed research reports on companies in Germany and Europe. On the basis of general and public data as well as company contact we formulate our estimates on the business and profit development of individual companies.

Studies concerning special thematic concerns, such as tax or accounting changes that affect our markets, are also part of our product offering.

As part of our individual research, we analyze listed companies of any market capitalization from a wide range of industries. We prepare a detailed financial analysis of your company, which we make available to potential investors.

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FI/FX Research

The daily deals with current topics and developments on the equity, fixed income, foreign exchange and commodity markets. It summarizes capital market developments and the related analytical conclusions in one precise and informative product.

In our publication fi/fx strategy, we draw analytical conclusions about current developments on the global fixed income and foreign exchange markets. Analysis of political and macroeconomic developments is just as important as the monetary policy of the major central banks. Our publication fi/fx strategy also includes concrete trade recommendations from the G10 and/or EM-BRICS universe. 

This bi-weekly publication deals with current topics and developments regarding covered bonds and includes fundamentally and quantitatively sound recommendations. Segment-related assessments (according to country) are also included and reviewed anew for each issue.

This weekly publication deals with current topics and developments regarding corporate bonds and includes fundamentally sound recommendations. Segment-related assessments are also included and reviewed anew for each issue.

These irregularly published reports deal with current topics on fixed income, foreign exchange and commodity markets and include own opinions. Analyses are fundamentally, technically and quantitatively sound. Analytical conclusions often lead to specific trading recommendations.

This consists mainly of fundamental analyses with a 12-month time frame. The full-year guidance focuses on economic analysis as well as fixed income and foreign exchange products in the world’s most important economic regions. We also provide brief assessments of the equity and commodity markets. Finally, we present our forecasts for potential developments on the capital markets in the individual asset classes backed by quarterly forecasts.