Legal Notes
Information for download
Liability for contents
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG (together with the affiliated companies referred to in the following as "Metzler") permanently examines and updates the information on its website. However, it cannot guarantee that these web pages are permanently updated; nor can it accept any guarantee for the correctness or completeness of the contents provided in these pages. Unless proof of willful misconduct or gross negligence can be provided, no liability claims can be accepted in respect of damages whether of a material or immaterial kind. All offers are non-binding and subject to confirmation. Metzler reserves the right to make unannounced alterations, supplements or deletions to parts or all of the web pages and to temporarily or finally suspend publication thereof.
Our website contains links to external websites of third parties, the contents of which we are unable to influence. For this reason Metzler is unable to accept any guarantee for these external contents. The provider or operator of these linked web pages is responsible at all times for the contents of these pages. At the time the links were established, an examination was made to discover any potential legal violations. No unlawful contents were recognized at the time of linking. However, a permanent control of the contents of linked pages cannot be reasonably expected unless a concrete suspicion of a legal violation exists. We shall immediately remove any links if we receive knowledge of legal transgressions.
The contents and items compiled by Metzler on this website are subject to German copyright and trademark law. Any copying, processing, distribution or other form of exploitation beyond the copyright limits of the copyright and trademark law require the written consent of Metzler. Downloads and copies of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.
Usage prohibition
We expressly prohibit the use of contact data from the impring by third parties for the purpose of sending advertising or information material that has not been specifically requested. Metzler reserves the right to undertake legal action if advertising information that has not been specifically requested is sent via this channel.
Legal effectiveness of this disclaimer
This disclaimer must be viewed as a constituent part of this website. If sections or specific formulations of the disclaimer can be shown to not or no longer fulfill or to only partially fulfill legal requirements, the contents and validity of the remaining sections of the disclaimer shall remain unaffected by this.