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Information für professionelle Anleger - 24.7.2024

Metzler Asset Management Japan: Hiroto Makino to become new President and CEO as part of the established dual leadership team

Hiroto Makino will become the new President and CEO of Metzler Asset Management (Japan) Ltd (“MAMJ”) as of July 29, 2024. The established dual leadership with Deputy President and CFO Nina Birke-Wiesheu will continue.

Hiroto Makino is currently Chairman of Metzler Asset Management (Japan) Ltd (“MAMJ”). He has been intimately familiar with Metzler and its activities in Japan and Asia for more than a decade. He has already served as President and CEO of MAMJ from 2011 to 2021. With this change, Hiroto Makino will again take on a stronger role in the day-to-day business.

Hiroto Makino has spent his entire professional life in the financial industry and has an excellent network in Japan and beyond. Previously, he was a senior executive at T&D Asset Management. He started his career at Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance.

Mitsuhiro Sato, previously President and CEO of MAMJ, is leaving the company at his own request for personal reasons and on the best of terms. MAMJ thanks him very much for his services and wishes him all the best for the future. 

At the same time, the established dual leadership in Japan will remain in place: Nina Birke-Wiesheu will continue to support Hiroto Makino as Deputy President.