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Metzler/Payden Joint Venture

As a valuable addition to a well-diversified portfolio, we offer additional investment opportunities through our Metzler/Payden Joint Venture. The US asset manager Payden & Rygel specializes in active management of bond, balanced and equity strategies. These strategies include Emerging Market Bonds, Absolute Return Investing, Investment Grade Corporate Bonds, High Yield Bonds and Global/US Equity Income.

The Payden Global Bond fund receives a Scope award

Scope Award 2023: Best Fund Bonds Global Currency

The fund was recognized at the Scope Awards 2023 on November 17, 2022 for its successful investment approach. It received an award in the category "Fixed Income Global Currencies" for Switzerland. 

The Scope analysts cited the fund's convincing performance as one of the main reasons for their decision. The fund, a portfolio of investment-grade debt securities with fixed or variable interest rates, also achieved impressive returns over the long term. Among other things, it sets itself apart from the competition by investing in cash bonds instead of derivatives.

More information on the awards is available from Scope.

About Metzler/Payden


Metzler/Payden: combining expertise

In order to offer its clients additional diversification capabilities, Metzler Bank and the US asset manager Payden & Rygel founded the Metzler/Payden LLC Joint Venture, a Los Angeles-based C-Corp, in 1998. Payden & Rygel, founded in 1983, is now one of the largest independent investment managers in the United States with approximately USD 119 billion assets under management for institutional and private clients.

Both venture partners always maintain their independence, which is an important feature of the joint venture. Our independence allows us to place the interests of our clients at the center of our activities at all times. This includes neutral advice that is tailored exclusively to the client's individual needs.

Investment philosophy: active and fundamental

Payden & Rygel's management is active and investment decisions are based on fundamental analysis. The expert teams do not rely exclusively on macro or sector trends to enhance performance. By moving away from traditional benchmarks, Payden & Rygel retains a high degree of flexibility in identifying attractively valued assets. The result is a "best ideas" portfolio based on decades of experience. A risk management system that has proven itself even in extreme market phases is integrated into the portfolios. This gives European investors access to asset classes that are globally diversified and offer additional return potential.

Payden & Rygel was built on the tenets of collaboration, financial independence, and customization of portfolio strategies to meet the evolving needs of its clients. Payden & Rygel has a diverse global client base and strives to exceed clients' expectations across the various elements of their mandate. A growing divergence in how US and non-US clients define fiduciary has been observed, with non-US clients taking a broad view of what it means to be a fiduciary, including formally incorporating responsible investing principles into investment portfolios. Given this varied client base and the rapid pace of ESG evolution, Payden & Rygel has developed ESG tools and exclusions that are applied to client portfolios where appropriate.

Metzler/Payden investment strategies

Our portfolio management focuses its selection process on titles that offer attractive risk-adjusted returns and are undervalued relative to other titles with equal duration and/or rating.

  • Payden Absolute Return Investing
  • Payden Emerging Market Debt
  • Payden High Yield
  • Payden Global Corporate Bonds
  • Payden Global and US Equity Income

Your personal contact partner

Joannis Karathanasis
Joannis Karathanasis

Managing Director Metzler/Payden, LLC

Our address in Germany

Metzler Asset Management GmbH

Untermainanlage 1
60329 Frankfurt/Main